Using Torace
Need Mentors? Torace Makes Casting a Wide Net Easy
By Team Torace published on Apr 14, 2023
min read
Teachers raising their hands to volunteer to be mentors.

During a time of teacher shortages and burnout, mentor teachers have been hard to come by and those who have traditionally participated are opting out at higher rates. It has been cumbersome and awkward at times for program administrators to reach out individually to ask teachers to be mentors. Torace can help!

By using Torace, you can avoid sending thousands of emails, tracking them, and then cross-referencing teachers to see if they meet eligibility. We can help streamline the process and cast a wider net for mentors at the same time!

When we piloted Torace in Chula Vista Elementary School District for their student teacher program, one of the first things our district lead remarked on was how she had a lot more teachers, from different sites express interest than in previous student teacher placement windows. Here’s how Torace supports that work.

Easily extend an open invitation to participate to 1000s of teachers. With Torace, you can upload a single file of email addresses and invite those participants to express interest in participating in the program. You can customize the invitation message to include any specific program requirements, so your participants know the program expectations, timeline, and potential eligibility.

Understand at a glance who is interested and gather their information. When a participant is invited to participate, they have the option of accepting or declining the event, and then completing a simple profile that provides you with the information you need to know if they would be a good fit for your program. You can use a set of best practice questions or adjust based on your specific programmatic needs and context. By easily monitoring the status of participants, you can understand where your participant pool is strong or weak and take action accordingly.

Manage approvals within a single system. We know sometimes school leaders or department heads want to provide a final ok on eligibility when it comes to mentors. Torace allows you to assign mentors to approvers and give them the ability to provide a final ok. In the event that an approver makes a mistake or doesn’t want to take an active role, as an administrator you can always make a final decision.

By simplifying your ability to communicate and gather information from your workforce, Torace provides a win-win scenario – wider engagement and better information with less time spent on logistics. Providing efficient approvals allows your stakeholders to remain highly engaged. And with more real-time information at your fingertips, you can take more timely interventions throughout the process.

See how Torace can support this work. Schedule a demo today!

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